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Cheat Sheet (Step 1)
Permanently Eliminate Fear & Nervousness Around Women
Below you’ll get a Release Technique called “The Fundamentals”...
It will allow you to release the energy behind negative emotions so you can approach women with unwavering confidence.
It’s from the “Set It Down” part of the STAGE Seduction System.
STAGE is an acronym:
S is for Set It Down so you no longer experience negative emotions.
T is for Take 5 so you live in a constant state of peace and happiness.
A is for Attract so women make the first move.
G is for Game so you can seduce women with your words.
E is for Escalate so you can sleep with women you just met.
When you combine all parts of the STAGE System and put them into practice, you can reach relationship goals with ease.
After doing this exercise, if you would like to work with me one-on-one to get:
- Personalized assistance to find a girlfriend, get a wife, or play the field
- An on-demand curriculum
- Weekly meetings
- Accountability
- Advanced training
- Someone to turn to when you face challenges
Click here to book a Free STAGE Strategy Session. After the session, if it feels like a good fit for both of us, we’ll talk.
Now let’s get into The Fundamentals…
(1) Schedule some alone time and turn off your phone. You will not want to be disturbed while doing this exercise.
(2) Select the first emotion you would like to release by thinking of something that causes you to feel the emotion. If you like, start with something small just to get the hang of it before releasing stronger emotions.
(3) Allow yourself to experience the emotion as fully as you can.
(4) Notice what the emotion feels like.
(5) Notice where the emotion is located in your body.
(6) Continue to feel the emotion until it completely goes away on its own.
(7) If the emotion transforms into another emotion before going away completely, keep feeling whatever emotion comes up until you don’t feel it anymore.
Negative emotions can’t stand the clear light of awareness. Giving the emotion your full attention by feeling it completely and noticing where it is in the body will cause the emotion to disappear.
(8) Repeat 1-7 for every emotion you would like to release.
9) From now on, whenever you experience a negative emotion allow yourself to feel it completely until it goes away by itself.
The Fundamentals (Pros & Cons)
Pro: It’s reliable. It works 100% of the time.
Con: You must feel emotional pain to release negativity.
(FYI: I have Release Techniques that don’t require you to feel pain but I like to start with “The Fundamentals” so you have something you can use anywhere.)
Want to accelerate your results?
Hit the button below to schedule a Free STAGE Strategy Session:

Dating Rockstars
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