Finally... A complete step-by-step blueprint for dating 9’s & 10’s without getting rejected… Just approach the way I ask you to approach, say what I ask you to say, and get results immediately... No matter your age, looks, or income…
Finally… Date younger women without feeling the painful sting of rejection. Follow an extremely simple, but insanely effective method for creating a romantic connection instantly.
Finally… No more awkward silence wondering what to say next. Know exactly what to say in any situation so talking to women becomes effortless… Like talking to your best friend.
If that sounds like what you’ve been looking for… Then the No Rejection Formula was designed for you… and you need to read every word on this page…

“I got my confidence back. I know what to say that works every time. I’m 54 yr old and I date women half my age no problem. I can’t thank you enough for teaching me no rejection!
Kevin M.
Why Should You Listen To Me?

This isn’t something I just made up one day and hoped would work.
It took more than a DECADE of research and testing to perfect.
To date, I have consumed over 1,100 different books, seminars, workshops, boot camps, videos, courses, and webinars on all aspects of dating and relationships.
On top of that, I’ve been coached by some of the leading minds in personal development.
I’ve been a Life Coach, a Dating Coach for Women, an Executive Matchmaker, a Men’s Dating Coach, and now I’m an Attraction Consultant, founder of Rockstar Media, and the creator of Dating Rockstars.
I’ve had the good fortune to work with clients from all walks of life.
From pro athletes, TV personalities, CEOs, movie producers, authors, and radio hosts…
To school teachers, business people, medical professionals, blue-collar workers, you name it.
Over the last 4 years, I’ve helped HUNDREDS of separated and divorced men date like a Rockstar, get a girlfriend, and find a new wife.
Dating After Divorce Can Be Confusing and Frustrating... I Should Know.
After my divorce over 10 years ago, I found myself back in the dating world after 12 years of marriage.
My divorce was brutal.
My wife cheated on me and basically left me for another guy.
I felt betrayed, broken, hurt, and resentful.
I had low self-esteem.
I wanted my confidence back.
I wanted to have that feeling of being desired by women.
I’d see girls I wanted to meet.
But I had to be 15 to 20 years their senior and I didn’t want to come off like “the old creepy guy” and get rejected.
I missed COUNTLESS opportunities to meet beautiful women.
I was out of the dating scene for so long, I had no idea what to say or do to be successful with women… and it showed.
To be honest, I was too intimidated to approach beautiful women.
When I did muster up enough courage to start a conversation, I ended up looking like a jackass.
I’d get responses like:
“I have a boyfriend”, “I have to go because [insert BS reason here]”, or something simple like “F**k off!”
I pretended like it didn’t bother me. But the truth is, rejection hurts.
After another soul-crushing rejection while bar hopping with a friend, something in me just snapped.
I realized if I didn’t make a change I was going to spend the rest of my life alone.
So I started learning everything I could about dating, relationships, and life improvement.
Now, over 10 years later, every time I leave the house, at least one woman will either come up to me and start a conversation or give me a strong I.O.I. (indicator of interest) letting me know she wants me to approach her.
By the way, I’m in my 50’s and these ladies are typically in their 20’s and early 30’s.
I have personally tested every dating strategy you care to name.
Most (about 92%) didn’t work. But the other 8% did.
And I’m going to give you everything I’ve learned.
Instead of you having to put in 10 years of research, I’m going to share the exact winning system all that information boiled down to.
I’ve sifted out everything unnecessary. All the filler. All the fluff.
And I’m just gonna give you the good stuff, so you don’t have to put in all the grunt work.
You can just start getting results now.
It doesn’t matter if it’s been so long since you got laid, the dusty old pack of condoms in your room is covered in cobwebs.
This training is as close to a “sure thing” as you can get!
These Frustrations Sound Familiar?
- Struggling with the emotional turmoil caused by the heart-wrenching betrayal of infidelity
- Overwhelmed by grief stemming from the impact of divorce on your children
- Battling with low self-esteem
- Feeling pain, anger, resentment, hurt, deep sadness, and loneliness
- Living in uncertainty about what the future holds
- Suffering from a broken heart, stress, and related health issues
- Confused about what to say and do to succeed with women
I get it… That’s why I create dating programs for divorced men over 40! To help you:
- Find emotional peace and wholeness
- Equip you with effective techniques to heal both your children and yourself
- Possess unshakable self-confidence
- Spark romantic chemistry with ease, whether you seek to play the field, find a girlfriend, or get a fresh start with a new partner
- Gain complete clarity in your personal and professional life
- No longer burdened by stress, negative emotions, or health issues
- Master the art of dating younger women without rejection and humiliation
Here's How It Works...
No Rejection Formula is a simple step-by-step system…
STEP 1: Expand
When approaching women, the most important thing is your vibe – The energy you give off.
Expansion is the feeling you get when you’re doing something you love.
Feeling confidence, love, peace, joy, or gratitude are sure signs of expansion.
Listen, your thoughts, feelings, and emotions carry energy other people can feel, especially women.
Know this: whatever you feel, she feels.
That’s why it’s imperative to expand on your approach.
STEP 2: Open
Start the conversation in a way that commands her attention, sparks attraction, and create an emotional connection immediately.
STEP 3: Converse
Don’t just have a conversation, sweep her off her feet.
Ignite her imagination and emotions.
Give her an experience she will never forget.
STEP 4: Close
Ask Her Out Like A WINNER!
Follow these steps and your success rate will be 100%.
Even if you approach a happily married woman, she may not go on a romantic date with you but she WON’T reject you and she WILL be your friend.
It doesn’t matter if you want to play the field, get a girlfriend, or find a wife, having female friends is an important part of your game.
Does The “No Rejection Formula" Really Work? Take a Look…

Certainly works with young ladies. Or any partner for that matter.

Was just looking at your training out of interest, feeling mostly snarky: another hooking up guru…Let’s see what this one’s all about, but this one is the best piece of advice I would give to any male that wants to attract a female of the same species, LOL. Your whole training is excellent.

All Great stuff thank you for the loving tips ! This will be a game changer in ALL aspects of life.

Simple, yet spot on. Your four rules are fantastic. There is absolutely no reason to complicate it.

I loved your course. I’ve been obsessed with this topic for a while and I can totally identify the things I learned to the ideas you’re stating. The thing I understood, though, is that even though you know how to manage with CE or whatever the technique, your internal state will always surface one way or another. It’s something you can’t patch temporarily. Your tips are great! Thanks again! May the force be with you!

Thank you! This is simple and brilliant stuff! I’m grateful!

Good lines. AND now I have the delivery and confidence not just the words

If you take parts of this advice to meet women, this works well. You get sincere qualities though, kindness, positivity, mindfulness that cannot be faked.

Great life lessons that extends far beyond dating 🙂

These lessons are awesome, thanks! 🔥

I overcame that negative, suppression voice, my life is richer because of it.

The points of cultivating one’s honest genuine self are spot on.

Amazing suggestions. Thanks a lot!

Surprisingly generous… to lay out all this for everybody. Very talented to put words and rational over what indeed has proven to be working

wow that was a lot good stuff
Here’s what you get with the No Rejection Formula:

1-On-1 Training
We’ll jump on a call together and I’ll give you a personalized No Rejection Formula based on your personality, your preferences, and the type of women you’re attracted to so you can get results immediately.

An Expansion Technique
Discover how to give off positive energy so women see you as more attractive than other guys. (From experience, I can tell you “love” is the most powerful feeling you can radiate on approach.)

Get natural conversation starters to command her attention, spark attraction, and create an emotional connection instantly so you can unlock romance and intimacy.

Get captivating conversations that will have her hanging on your every word. Feel desired and appreciated.

Close Like A WINNER! Ask her out in a way that gets a “YES” and feel like a champion.

Weekly Q&A Call
We’ll have a meeting once a week for 30 days to answer your questions and make sure you have everything you need to succeed.

Plus A $2,400 Mystery Bonus…
I have 2 questions for you…
What’s the value of having an amazing woman in your life?
If you had to put a dollar amount on it, what’s that number?
I was an Executive Matchmaker for a prestigious firm in Los Angeles.
For many of my matchmaking clients, the number was AT LEAST $50,000 – for others it was $100,000 – and for some it was over $1 Million.
For me it’s priceless. You can’t put a dollar amount on it.
So what’s that number for you?
What would one incredible woman in your life be worth to you financially?
If you knew it would dramatically improve the quality of your life, how much would you pay to find your soulmate?
That one perfect womAn, or perfect womEn if you want to be a player?
How much would that be worth to you?
What you can expect from the “No Rejection Formula":

Let me put this into perspective for you:
You’ll be the guy other men look at with jealousy as you effortlessly attract women with your vibe and your words.
Your romantic life is extraordinary.
You have an entirely new outlook on life.
You have an incredible amount of confidence and certainty about your future because you know exactly how to create a life that fits your needs and wants.
No more loneliness.
No more sadness.
Imagine being happy all day for no reason.
Nothing outside of you is making you happy.
Your happiness comes from within.
When your internal world makes you happy AND your external world makes you happy, you’ve reached nirvana – not the band – heaven on earth.
Listen, you CAN live life exactly the way you want.
And isn’t that how it should be, exactly what you want?
It is your life. It’s the only one you’ve got.
So you might as well enjoy it at the highest level possible.
This offer we put together for you is NOT a cost, it’s an investment.
You get that, right?
Here’s the BOTTOM LINE:
If you were to buy direct from my site, consulting packages start at $500.
I’m new to Facebook, so to increase word of mouth, for a limited time you can get the entire No Rejection Formula for a one-time investment of only ONE DOLLAR!
Here’s the catch…
Obviously, I can’t give away my time and expertise for a dollar indefinitely.
So hit the button below to claim your personalized No Rejection Formula for JUST $1…
We have a philosophy: YOU GET results or YOU GET double your money back.

That’s right. You’re backed by our 200% risk-free, double money-back guarantee.
That means you can sign up today and after you complete the training, if you can’t successfully date beautiful women, I’ll give you DOUBLE your money back.
I’ll send you the money myself the day you tell me the training sucks.
Yeah, I know it’s only a dollar but that’s the way we do business.
The 200% money-back guarantee comes with EVERY product and service we offer. 🙂
Now you have 2 Choices…
FIRST OPTION: don’t do anything.
You’ve gone through this entire web page.
You know this is the future.
You know this is the right vehicle.
You know this is what you need to do to change your life.
You know it.
We’ve talked about it.
You feel that way.
It’s how I feel as well.
You can do nothing, leave here today, and nothing will change. That’s your first option.
I’m guessing, if you showed up to this web page today it was because something needs to change.
Am I right?
Otherwise, you would not be here.
So here today something needs to change.
Your SECOND OPTION is to pony up a small investment today (A BUCK) compared to all the value you’re getting in return, and just give it a shot.
Just try it out! You literally have nothing to lose...

One-Time Investment of $500 Only $1 TODAY!

Dating Rockstars
(C) Rockstar Media 2023 to Infinity