Need help? Call/Text: 702.775.8830 | Email: Answer the questions below to get a free personalized checklist outlining exactly what to SAY and DO to get a girlfriend, find a wife, or play the field based on your personality and the type of women you’re attracted to: 1) How long have you been divorced? *2) What's your relationship goal? *Get a girlfriendGet a wifeDate different women3) Your age? *4) You are MOST attracted to women in which age group? *18 to 2425 to 2930 to 3435 to 3940 to 4546 to 49Over 505) How intense is/was the emotional pain surrounding your divorce? *1 (not very painful)2345678910 (extremely painful)6) How many times did you RECEIVE a verbal or nonverbal display of attraction from women last month? *0 to 12 to 56 to 10More than 107) When you see a woman you're attracted to, how likely are you to approach, start a conversation, and ask her out? *1 (not very likely)2345678910 (extremely likely)8) Do you have a date plan in place so you can ask women out at a moment's notice? *YesNo9) How many dates did you go on last month? *0 to 12 to 56 to 10More than 1010) How would you rate your ability to MAINTAIN attraction and passion in a long term relationship? *1 (I don’t have this skill set)2345678910 (I’m a pro)What sucks MOST about dating after divorce? (optional)What’s your BIGGEST challenge with women and dating? (optional)I’ll send you a Loom video with the checklist. How would you like it to be sent?If Email, what’s your email?If Text, what’s your cell?If Facebook Messenger, how does your name appear on your Facebook account?Submit Dating Rockstars Contact Privacy Disclosure (C) Rockstar Media 2023 to Infinity